

‘Tip the scales’ in the 2022-23 NSW Budget

The NSW 2022-23 budget will be handed down in June. And it’s a big one.

The forthcoming budget is Perrottets’ first budget as Premier, but it also serves as an election budget. It will outline the true priorities this Government will pursue in its bid for re-election in 2023 – and will determine just how important the NSW Government considers housing to be, and for who.

As they say, ‘follow the money’.

Homelessness NSW has, in January 2022, provided its Pre-Budget submission to NSW Treasury. We know there are a few key investments needed in this years budget to turn the tide:

Our submission is here. And each ‘key ask’ has its own issue paper – linked above.

We want to everything we can at this important juncture to tip the scales. MP’s need to hear from you, about housing and homelessness in their own backyard. Even though the budget is in June we need to act now.

Will you support us?

You can email your local MP, and:

  • send them our submission (or write your own – there is a pro-forma here) and
  • ask them to meet you or visit your service
  • ask them to raise the issues within their own party or with NSW Treasury
  • Put the onus on them: what action will they take to achieve the key asks in our Pre-Budget Submission?

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Join this campaign for a better, fairer housing system for everyone. Every Australian needs a place to call home.

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