CIMS helps us keep track of people who come to our agencies. CIMS is a key system that helps us deliver better, faster responses to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

The flowchart below shows the process for using CIMS to record and manage people in our agencies. Click the red buttons to explore the process, and click each     icon for a step-by-step walkthrough.


Interactive walkthrough
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How to search for a person

Add a new person
Access existing person's details

Limit access to client's files?
Restrict access to client files
Need to record consent?
Record consent for statewide search
Need to add relationships?
Add client relationships

Enter initial assessment - identify stage
Enter initial assessment - act stage
Record unassisted persons
Open a support period
Record level of effort
Create a case note
Enter accommodation
Enter a payment
Edit services for a locked case note
Create status update
Generate an extract
Use vacancy management system (VMS)
Create referrals using CIMS
Client no longer receiving services?
Close a support period