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ERO Homelessness Funding Saved!

The Federal Government on Saturday announced that the Budget will contain $124 million to reinstate the ERO funding within the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) for the next 2 years (which is the length of the NHHA – the next step is to renegotiate the Agreement with MORE funding and MORE social housing).

Thanks to everyone who advocated on this – it took so much but we did it!

Big thanks in particular to Minister Ward, the ASU, our colleagues at Homelessness Australia and CHP Victoria and Federal Labor and the Greens.

And biggest thanks to all the homelessness services who signed petitions, wrote to their local MPs and did media – including the Newcastle services with their tent city and excellent media saturation, the statewide orgs with their joint media approach and meetings with Ministers, Social Futures, Southern Youth and Family Services, SEWACS in highlighting the impact to Federal MPs and Senators, DVWest, Vinnies, B Miles & Social Futures who did media at short notice for us and Link-Wentworth, CoastShelter and most of all B Miles who also put pressure on marginal seats and key Federal Govt members.   

We were told last week that the Federal Government had heard our message loud and clear!!

Here is the media release to confirm!

Thanks again for all your efforts and your words of encouragement whilst we focused on this.

Other News

Raise the Age: the NSW Government can do better for kids

July 9, 2024

Placing children as young as 10 in the justice system is an issue inextricably linked with homelessness. Children and young people in the justice system are more likely to become homeless, and children and young people who experience homelessness are more likely to become involved with the justice system. We must do better.

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