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New Report Release: Policing Public Space – The experiences of people sleeping rough

Homelessness NSW was pleased to launch this joint report with PIAC that focuses on the lived experience of people sleeping rough and the impact that police interaction can have on wellbeing and ensuring access to housing and support services. The Report contains nine recommendations that focus on the rights of people experiencing and homelessness in public places and the need for resources to provide support and access to services.  The report also supports the implementation the recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places.  The NSW Government released its response to the findings of the Inquiry.

We look forward to working with the NSW Government to progress both the recommendation of the report and the recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry.

Other News

The Homelessness NSW 2024 Conference

June 11, 2024

The 2024 Homelessness NSW Conference, held in Newcastle from 19th to the 21st of March, was a resounding success, bringing together over 350 in-person homelessness sector attendees for connection and learning. Read this wrap-up of the event, which was attended by service providers, policymakers, academics, and people with lived experiences of homelessness from right across NSW.

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