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Homelessness NSW Strategy 2023-2028

Over the next five years we will focus on building the capabilities of people and capacity of systems to end homelessness. We recognise the urgency and complexity of this issue and must leverage all available resources and collective efforts. We commit to working closely with homelessness services, communities, businesses, people with lived experience and governments. Through aligned action we aim to achieve a future where homelessness is rare, brief and nonrecurring.

This strategic plan is being launched at a time of significant change for the homelessness sector. The NSW Government is revising the statewide housing and homelessness plan and the Australian Government is leading the development of a national ten-year housing and homelessness strategy. This is a watershed moment for homelessness and housing policy in Australia and this strategic plan reflects the opportunities for Homelessness NSW to drive change.

Homelessness NSW is taking a whole of system change approach to ending homelessness. Our strategic priorities have been established following extensive consultation and are informed by our members’ experiences. They seek to maximise the opportunities for change in the current policy and funding landscape. They are aspirational and require change in our own work and that of our members and partners.

As the peak agency for homelessness, we have two distinct roles in monitoring and measuring homelessness. Firstly, we monitor and measure the population-level indicators of homelessness. Secondly, we measure our own impact and program-level contributions to ending homelessness. Progress towards our strategic priorities will be measured and evaluated as part of our principles of innovation and learning. We are committed to monitoring, collating, and sharing population level data through our Housing and Homelessness Dashboard to track incidences, drivers, and risks impacting homelessness in NSW.

We will proactively seek out partners and work collaboratively wherever possible, including with people with lived experience of homelessness. We look forward to working with you to deliver our on our priorities for the next 5 years.

We want you, our members, allies, and partners to join us on our journey as we work together to:

  • create a movement to end homelessness;
  • advocate and facilitate whole of system
    change to end homelessness; and
  • build skills, knowledge, and networks to
    improve responses for better outcomes
    for people at risk of, or experiencing,

We have a vision for a future where everyone has a safe home and the support to keep it. Through our collective efforts we can realise this vision.

Together we can end homelessness in NSW.

Read our 2023-2028 Strategy

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A call for an immediate pause on the enforcement of COVID-19 fines

December 7, 2021

Homelessness NSW is one of 33 organisations that have urged the NSW government to to stop chasing people to pay Covid fines, due to being issued incorrectly and disproportionately penalising Indigenous Australians, people experiencing homelessness and people living with a disability.

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