

Everybody’s Home

There’s no doubt about it; Australia’s housing system is broken.

From people wanting to buy their very first house, to others struggling to just find a safe roof over their heads, it’s clear that the system just isn’t working for everyone.

Crazy house prices and a system focused on property investment is locking a generation out of home ownership and creating more renters.

Growing competition for rental properties are causing rents to skyrocket, so every-day workers can no longer afford to rent ordinary homes and don’t have the security they need.

With more and more people struggling to afford the private rental market, the demand for affordable or social rental properties is outstripping supply.

And a chronic shortage of social and affordable housing is forcing record levels of homelessness.

But there really are simple things our government can do to fix this. And that’s what Everybody’s Home is all about – we’re working together to call on our government to bring balance back to the system, so that everybody has a place to call home.

So join the campaign now, and together, we can make our decision makers fix this broken housing system.

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