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Commissioning Homelessness Services Report

Commissioning Homelessness Services Report

Homelessness services can have more positive impact when they are designed and funded effectively. Specialist homelessness services’ current contracts will end in 2026.  In the lead up to this, we are advocating that the new approach to commissioning of homelessness services must be based on the best available evidence. That’s why we’ve worked with the Social Policy Research Centre to put together our latest report ‘Commissioning Homelessness Services: A Review of Possible Approaches’.

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Rebuilding Women’s Economic Security

October 19, 2021

Homelessness NSW is pleased to have worked with NCOSS, CHIA NSW and DV NSW on the Equity Economics report Rebuilding Women's Economic Security - Investing in Social Housing in NSW, which highlights the urgent need to invest in women’s economic security by building more social housing. The Report finds that the pandemic has worsened the housing insecurity of women in NSW with the number of people seeking specialist homelessness services who had experienced family and domestic violence increasing by 7.1 per cent in 2020-21, compared to a 3.2 per cent increase in demand for all specialist homelessness services and 4,812 women currently being forced to stay in an unsafe and violent home, or face homelessness - with up to 2,402 women returning to live with a violent partner because of lack of an affordable alternative, and a further 2,410 homeless because they could not find secure and permanent housing after leaving violence.

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