Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Help is available. Contact Link2Home 24/7.
In response to sector feedback around the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) and concerns of its suitability for Aboriginal people, Homelessness NSW has been advocating for clear, consistent messaging from DCJ regarding PWI’s.
In a recent update, DCJ has announced that “the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) is currently not recommended for use with clients who are Aboriginal.”
This is a monumental decision and a change that makes Specialist Homelessness Services safer for Aboriginal people.
This should have no impact on provider data collection requirements.
If you have any concerns around the implementation of this please contact Jessie at
April 21, 2021
Today, on Youth Homelessness Matters Day, we’re urging you to take action by signing a petition to take action on youth homelessness. Find out how to get involved here.