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Homelessness NSW congratulates CEO Trina Jones on her appointment as the inaugural NSW Rental Commissioner.
Ms Jones will commence the role on 7 August 2023, bringing more than a decade of experience spanning policy, research and advocacy.
Ms Jones said: “There are two million renters in our state and 36 per cent of them are in rental stress, with many at risk of homelessness.
“In taking on the role of Rental Commissioner, my mission is to amplify the voice of renters, help strengthen their rights and improve the fairness of the rental market.
“I look forward to working closely and productively with government, industry and renters across our state as we collaboratively search for solutions to our housing challenges.”
Homelessness NSW Board Chair David Fisher said: “I would like to congratulate Trina on her appointment and thank her for the enormous impact she has made at Homelessness NSW.
“We are sad to see Trina leave, but with more than 15 years of experience in local government, housing and homelessness – including recent success in shaping the rental fairness bill – she is the perfect fit for this role.
“We wish Trina every success and look forward to working with her as the first Rental Commissioner where she will continue making a positive impact on the state.”
Amy Hains has been appointed Acting CEO of Homelessness NSW.
Ms Hains said: “I look forward to stepping into the role to continue to support the Homelessness NSW team, board and sector to deliver our important mission to ensure everyone has a safe home and the support to keep it”.
Omera Partners have been engaged to recruit for the role of CEO Homelessness NSW and suitable applicants are invited to have a confidential discussion.
July 12, 2021
Homelessness NSW was pleased to be a partner in a new report by Equity Economics Nowhere to go: the benefits of providing long term social housing to women that have experienced domestic and family violence launched today. It costs the savings to women and the community of providing housing so women avoid homelessness, and returns to violent partners because of homelessness. It is intended to influence the public debate and the Government as we lead in to the Women’s Safety Summit scheduled for 29-30 July.