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Homelessness NSW announce Trina Jones as new Chief Executive Officer

Homelessness NSW, the peak body representing the homelessness sector of New South Wales is delighted to announce the appointment of Trina Jones as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Trina, brings an extensive range of experience in the homelessness sector and working with government on developing and delivering solutions to homelessness. Trina has spent the last 8 years with the City of Sydney Council delivering on key policy and program areas including social housing & homelessness, drug and alcohol, food security, domestic and family violence and crime prevention.

Trina has a track record for building collective impact responses to ending homelessness and led the development of the Sydney 10 year Homelessness Action Plan, the Emergency Response Protocol for People Sleeping Rough and Homelessness Assertive Response Team (HART) – leading to long term housing and support outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.

David Fisher Chair of the Homelessness NSW Board says; “Following an extensive competitive recruitment process, we were presented with a range of high-quality candidates all motivated to end homelessness in NSW. The Board would like to thank the interest and commitment from all candidates. Trina was selected as she brings a unique combination of skills, experience including direct experience from delivering homeless services, passion and energy and a vision shared by Homelessness NSW Board to bring forward solutions that will end homelessness. We look forward to welcoming her when she starts on Monday 6th June 2022.”

Trina will oversee the ongoing advocacy, research, partnership development and capacity building work of Homelessness NSW.

On accepting the role Trina says; I am privileged to take on the challenge and work with an experienced team, Board and membership dedicated to ending homelessness.  I look forward to working with our partners, first nations communities and people with lived experience to drive social innovation to realise a future where everybody has a safe home.”

The Board looks forward to welcoming Trina and would like to take this opportunity to thank previous CEO Katherine McKernan for her dedication and successful leadership over the past 7 years particularly in supporting the sector through Covid-19.



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