

Sydney Women’s Homelessness Alliance

The Sydney Women’s Homelessness Alliance (SWHA) has been established to assist cross agency sector collaboration and improve a woman’s journey through the complexities of the homelessness system.

Our Work

We provide a collaborative approach to assessing and addressing problematic structural issues within the delivery of services, to create a better opportunity for positive outcomes for homeless women of Sydney.

Our Purpose

  • Map existing service system, and provide a gap analysis of current women’s homeless service system in the inner city;
  • Analyse data to assess women’s progression through the service system – including pathways into services, exit points, referral points, recent trends, client demographics, turn- aways;
  • Address systematic issues for clients navigating the service system;
  • Coordinating services to operate with a streamlined approach to service delivery; and
  • Improve the utilisation of resources invested into the women service system.

Our Membership

SWHA is open to agencies and organisations who are involved in service delivery to homeless women. You’ll just need to be an agency or organisation that delivers services to homeless women, be available to meet bi-monthly and be ready to share your views and provide action to better outcomes clients.

Apply for Membership

Our Projects

SWHA’s Staff Exchange Project

Learn more about SWHA and our Staff Exchange Project by viewing this video.

The SWHA Staff Exchange project aims to facilitate upskilling, learning and partnerships across sectors working in homelessness. Members swap positions with staff in other services for a week and learn about the day-to-day workings of other organisations and areas.

The Staff Exchange Project is currently on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we will aim to re-start this project as soon as it is safe and possible! 

SWHA have written a response to the National Summit on Women’s Safety.

Our response highlights the growing issue of women’s homelessness and the importance of funding housing and systemic solutions, not band aid responses. Read our statement here

Other Projects

Together Home: High Needs Funding

Homelessness NSW is administering High Needs funding for individuals aged 18 years plus who are being supported through the Together Home program. Find out more and apply here.

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