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Read our 2024/25 Pre-Budget Submission to the Government

Our submission to the NSW Government for the 2024/25 budget is calling for critical investment into social and affordable housing, and services to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.

We have made nine strategic and achievable recommendations, including:  

  • Investing an additional $30 million over three years to secure more supported temporary accommodation 
  • Increase Specialist Homelessness Service Program funding by 20% or approximately $50 million per year for the next two years so that services can meet current demand. 
  • Investing $1 billion per year for the next 10 years to grow accessible social housing by 5,000 properties per year and allocate 30% of social housing to Aboriginal people 

Click the link below to see what we’re calling on the government to do to improve the homelessness crisis in both NSW and wider Australia, and bring much-needed funding to vital Specialist Homelessness Services.

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Homelessness NSW Winners of Diamond and GOLD LearnX Awards

December 10, 2021

LearnX Awards are a global quality awards for learning, education HR and digital experts in the corporate, academia, public services, and not for profit sector.

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