

Models for addressing homelessness

Various theoretical models and practice frameworks have been developed that propose different ways to address homelessness.  The following are some of the key models with links to web resources that tell you more about each model.


Housing First

The Housing First approach advocates that people experiencing homelessness should be moved quickly into permanent housing before other issues, such as substance abuse or mental health issues, are addressed.  It is based on the idea that stable housing is required before people can address other issues in their lives.  The Housing First model is supported by an international evidence base.

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Rapid Rehousing is often treated as a separate approach to Housing First, but it is an intervention that fits well within the Housing First model.  Rapid Rehousing involves getting people into housing as soon as possible. Its premise is that the longer people are homeless, the harder it is to turn their situation around.

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Foyers are a housing model for young people, aged from around 16 to 25, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.  Foyers focus on providing young people with education on, training, employment and living skills so they can transition successfully to independent living.

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Staying Home, Leaving Violence

Staying Home, Leaving Violence is a NSW Government program that aims to prevent victims of domestic and family violence from becoming homeless.  The program targets women who choose to remain in their family home or another home of their choice.  The NSW Police assist to remove the perpetrator from the home so that women and children can remain there safely.  The program also provides a range of other supports to victims, such as assistance with safety planning, improved home security and the legal process.

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Boarding House Outreach Program

The Boarding House Outreach Program provides case management support to people living in boarding houses in Sydney to address accommodation that is inappropriate to their needs or putting them at risk of homelessness.  This program helps boarding house residents to resolve problems with the quality and standard of their accommodation or find alternative housing. Click here for the full program.

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Other Resources

First Nations Sector Hub

If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander worker, this page is for you. From training opportunities through to information on how you can have a yarn at our Communities of Practices, you will find everything you need here to assist you and your work with clients.

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