
Our Work


Homelessness NSW responds to policy and legislative reform through submissions to both State and Commonwealth governments, departments and human service agencies. Browse through our most recent submissions below.



Improving NSW Rental Laws Consultation

August 23, 2023

Read the submission prepared jointly by Homelessness NSW and Domestic Violence NSW to the ‘Improving NSW rental laws consultation’.


Submission regarding the Residential Tenancies Act

May 31, 2023

Homelessness NSW was asked to make a submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on the proposed Residential Tenancies Act legislation. Our submission proposes that the legislation adopt a policy position that removes rental bidding in NSW.


Feedback on the design of the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program Inclusion Round (SPEAPIR)

March 17, 2023

Homelessness NSW made a submission to the Australian Department of Social Services about the design of the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program Inclusion Round (SPEAPIR). Our submission makes a number of recommendations about funding levels, commissioning models and inclusive design to maximise the impact of this program for First Nations women and children, CALD women and children and women and children with disability.


Submission to the Housing and Mental Health Agreement 2022

February 22, 2023

Homelessness NSW provided a submission to Housing and Mental Health Agreement 2022 after consultation with 95 people across member organisations.


Homelessness NSW feedback on the NSW Government Protocol on Homeless People in Public Place Implementation Guidelines

February 22, 2023

Homelessness NSW provided feedback to the NSW Government (Department of Communities and Justice) on the ‘Protocol on Homeless People in Public Place (the Protocol) – Implementation Guidelines’. Our feedback centred on incentivising more widespread implementation of the Protocol across NSW Government agencies and other organisations who work with people experiencing homelessness.


Homelessness NSW – 2023-24 Australian Government Pre-Budget Submission

January 27, 2023

Homelessness NSW made a submission to the Australian Government to adopt two realistic and achievable recommendations for inclusion in the 2023-24 Budget. The recommendations call on the Government to invest in social housing and fund Specialist Homelessness Services through appropriate and ongoing ERO and Indexation.


Response to proposed amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing 2021) (Housing SEPP)

January 12, 2023

Homelessness NSW made a submission to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment proposed amendments to the in-fill affordable housing, group homes, supportive accommodation and social housing provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 (Housing SEPP). Our submission makes recommendations to cut red tape to increase the supply of social and affordable housing and fast track solutions for supported accommodation models.


Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

January 9, 2023

Following Trina Jones, CEO of Homelessness NSW, being called by the Disability Royal Commission to provide expert testimony about people with disability and homelessness, Homelessness NSW provided a submission to the Disability Royal Commission. The submission details a variety of reforms to reduce the incidence of homelessness amongst people with disability; and provide better support for people with disability who do experience homelessness


Submission to NSW Treasury Follow the Dollar Reforms September 2022

September 7, 2022

Homelessness NSW provided a submission to NSW Treasury regarding their proposal to give the NSW Auditor General new legislative powers to conduct performance reviews into non-public sector entities.


Submission to the Regional Housing Taskforce

August 30, 2021

Homelessness NSW have provided a submission to the Regional Housing Taskforce on key issues including the lack of housing stock and funding for appropriate social housing in regional communities.

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