January 9, 2023
Following Trina Jones, CEO of Homelessness NSW, being called by the Disability Royal Commission to provide expert testimony about people with disability and homelessness, Homelessness NSW provided a submission to the Disability Royal Commission. The submission details a variety of reforms to reduce the incidence of homelessness amongst people with disability; and provide better support for people with disability who do experience homelessness
September 7, 2022
Homelessness NSW provided a submission to NSW Treasury regarding their proposal to give the NSW Auditor General new legislative powers to conduct performance reviews into non-public sector entities.
September 5, 2022
Homelessness NSW provided a submission to the NSW Independent Floods Inquiry to highlight systemic challenges for Specialist Homelessness Services and people we work with accessing support during and following the flooding incidents in 2022.
September 5, 2022
Submission to the Committee on Community Services Inquiry into Options to improve access to existing and alternate accommodation– Homelessness NSW worked with members to provide a submission to this Inquiry and were mentioned in the report findings in advocating for longer term supportive housing options.
March 31, 2022
Homelessness NSW provided a submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the National Housing and Homelessness Review. The submission highlights the importance of joint Federal and State Government responsibility for housing and homelessness funding, and adequate, accountable funding for the sector to deliver outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.