Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Help is available. Contact Link2Home 24/7.
Most homelessness services in NSW use the Client Information Management System (CIMS). If you work in the SHS sector, then you will need to know how to use CIMS to record client information, for both case management and meeting reporting requirements.
That’s why we’ve put together this CIMS Training. Whether you’re new to the job, or an existing users, this training is for you and can be accessed online at any time. Contact us for more information.
Module One and Two are now available here
If you would like to talk further about this training, please contact Charlotte Davies on
March 8, 2022
Homelessness NSW has released a joint statement with NCOSS, CHIA NSW and ACHIA calling on the NSW Government to fund a significant and immediate housing recovery package to address both the short term and long term impact of the floods in NSW.