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Homelessness NSW is committed to having a strong media presence on homelessness and the housing system. Our latest comments, news items, information and media releases can be found below.



Media Release

Homelessness NSW announce Trina Jones as new Chief Executive Officer

May 4, 2022

Homelessness NSW, the peak body representing the homelessness sector of New South Wales is delighted to announce the appointment of Trina Jones as its new Chief Executive Officer.

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New election campaign calls for urgent government action to address women’s homelessness

March 24, 2022

With Women's homelessness reaching national crisis, Homelessness NSW is pleased to support Unhoused - Campaigning for safe homes for Australia’s women – calling for 16,810 homes for women.

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Housing for people on low incomes must be a priority of NSW flood disaster recovery

March 8, 2022

Homelessness NSW has released a joint statement with NCOSS, CHIA NSW and ACHIA calling on the NSW Government to fund a significant and immediate housing recovery package to address both the short term and long term impact of the floods in NSW.

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Homelessness NSW Winners of Diamond and GOLD LearnX Awards

December 10, 2021

LearnX Awards are a global quality awards for learning, education HR and digital experts in the corporate, academia, public services, and not for profit sector.

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Media Release

COVID has shown us we know how to end homelessness – but latest homelessness stats show that we are failing to do this 

December 7, 2021

Homelessness services in NSW experienced ongoing high demand due to the impact of the 2020 COVID lockdown – data released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows. In 2020/2021 over 70,500 clients were supported by homelessness services in New South Wales. This is 25% more clients than they are funded for, and they continue to be stretched to the seams as they recover from COVID lockdowns.

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A call for an immediate pause on the enforcement of COVID-19 fines

December 7, 2021

Homelessness NSW is one of 33 organisations that have urged the NSW government to to stop chasing people to pay Covid fines, due to being issued incorrectly and disproportionately penalising Indigenous Australians, people experiencing homelessness and people living with a disability.

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Rebuilding Women’s Economic Security

October 19, 2021

Homelessness NSW is pleased to have worked with NCOSS, CHIA NSW and DV NSW on the Equity Economics report Rebuilding Women's Economic Security - Investing in Social Housing in NSW, which highlights the urgent need to invest in women’s economic security by building more social housing. The Report finds that the pandemic has worsened the housing insecurity of women in NSW with the number of people seeking specialist homelessness services who had experienced family and domestic violence increasing by 7.1 per cent in 2020-21, compared to a 3.2 per cent increase in demand for all specialist homelessness services and 4,812 women currently being forced to stay in an unsafe and violent home, or face homelessness - with up to 2,402 women returning to live with a violent partner because of lack of an affordable alternative, and a further 2,410 homeless because they could not find secure and permanent housing after leaving violence.

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Open Letter from Western Sydney organisations urging the extension of ‘WestInvest’ to social and affordable housing

October 12, 2021

Organisations in Western Sydney have signed an open letter urging the Premier to extend ‘WestInvest’ to social and affordable housing. Because what has been highlighted during the lockdown is the essential need for all in Western Sydney to have access to a safe, affordable and appropriate home. We call on the NSW government to: 1. Acquire existing social and affordable housing stock to meet the immediate need in the community, including the public health needs of COVID-19. 2. Commit an additional $500 million to repair existing social housing stock. 3. Deliver at least 5,000 additional social housing dwellings per year for the next 10 years. Reduce all types of homelessness by committing to a fully funded state-wide action plan, with the goal of ending homelessness in NSW by 2030.

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Supporting homelessness services & Aboriginal communities in Western NSW

August 31, 2021

The COVID-19 situation continues to unfold in Western NSW, across largely Aboriginal populations. Aboriginal people are identified as a clearly vulnerable community to COVID 19. Such vulnerability stems from chronic health conditions experience by Aboriginal people and under-resourced health services in regional and remote NSW.

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Homelessness Week new report release: More than temporary?

August 4, 2021

Homelessness NSW and the Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, are proud to launch a new report “More than temporary? An evaluation of the accommodation of people rough sleeping in inner city Sydney during the COVID-19 pandemic”. The report was produced following interviews with key organisations involved in the 2020 accommodation response. As the increased accommodation of rough sleepers takes place again during Sydney’s current lockdown, it is more important than ever to reflect on the experience of this response and ensure that everyone is provided with housing at the end of the lockdown.

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Nowhere to go: the benefits of providing long term social housing to women that have experienced domestic and family violence report

July 12, 2021

Homelessness NSW was pleased to be a partner in a new report by Equity Economics Nowhere to go: the benefits of providing long term social housing to women that have experienced domestic and family violence launched today. It costs the savings to women and the community of providing housing so women avoid homelessness, and returns to violent partners because of homelessness. It is intended to influence the public debate and the Government as we lead in to the Women’s Safety Summit scheduled for 29-30 July.

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Media Release

NSW Peak Social Services Groups push for measures to support the most vulnerable during COVID lockdown

July 12, 2021

NCOSS, Homelessness NSW and the Tenants Union of NSW have written to Premier Berejiklian and Treasurer Perrottet asking them to advocate for a range of key initiatives with the Federal Government including reinstatement of JobSeeker and JobKeeper and have asked the State Government to reintroduce the eviction moratorium and financial support for renters to support people at risk of homelessness due to the latest COVID-19 outbreak.

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Media Release

Homelessness NSW welcomes hotel accommodation for people sleeping rough in Greater Sydney lockdown area as first step

June 28, 2021

Homelessness NSW has welcomed the commitment of the NSW Government to ensure hotel accommodation for all people sleeping rough in the Greater Sydney lockdown area as further evidence that ending homelessness is achievable and calls on the NSW Government to provide greater investment in social housing to end homelessness for all.

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Media Release

Rising property prices leaving thousands homeless while Government squanders windfall

June 22, 2021

The NSW Government is the beneficiary of an unexpected additional $1 billion in stamp duty from an out of control housing market but has failed to use this windfall to adequately invest in social housing to ensure people on low incomes across NSW do not end up homeless.

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New Report Release: Policing Public Space – The experiences of people sleeping rough

May 21, 2021

Homelessness NSW was pleased to launch this joint report with PIAC that focuses on the lived experience of people sleeping rough and the impact that police interaction can have on wellbeing and ensuring access to housing and support services.

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