
Sector Hub

Sector Hub

The Sector Hub aims to build the skills and capability of sector workers, and to increase the capacity of homelessness and allied services to provide high quality support to people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in NSW. Homelessness NSW achieves this through delivery of the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy.

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Designing and delivering through industry expertise and promotion.

Recognising the diversity and specialism in the homelessness sector, Homelessness NSW seeks input and guidance from industry experts to inform delivery of the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy.

Homelessness NSW has formed an Industry Partnership Steering Committee made up of representatives from Domestic Violence NSW, Y Foundations and other experts in the sector, to guide and deliver initiatives for sector development, training, workforce wellbeing, and capacity building.



The Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy delivers against six goals:

  1. NSW SHS are equipped to deliver quality support and services, within a trauma-informed framework.
  2. NSW SHS are equipped to measure and demonstrate the outcomes and impact of their service.
  3. NSW SHS workforce is skilled and capable at all levels, including leadership.
  4. NSW SHS are supported to network and collaborate.
  5. NSW SHS across NSW are sustainable.
  6. NSW SHS provides culturally safe and competent services for Aboriginal clients and communities.



In August 2022 the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) was contracted by Homelessness NSW to undertake an evaluation of the Strategy. Evaluations can be reviewed below.


2022 AHURI Evaluation of the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy

2022 AHURI Evaluation of the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy Final Report

2022 AHURI Evaluation of the Industry Workforce Development Strategy Aboriginal Consultation Report

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