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The Core and Cluster Sector Capacity and Capability Building Program will support organisations to assess readiness and participate, as appropriate, in Core & Cluster procurement.
Over four years from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026, The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) is seeking to establish and commence operation of 75 new core and cluster refuges for women and children escaping DFV. The new refuges will be designed and operated based on the core and cluster model, which allows for independent living and privacy while also providing access to on-site support. Find out more about the DCJ Core and Cluster procurement process here.
Sector peak bodies, Homelessness NSW (HNSW), Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) and the Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association (ACHIA) are working together to deliver a program of engagement and sector capacity and capability building to support the success of the Core and Cluster procurement.
The main objective of this program is to support, enhance and develop organisational capacity to design and implement domestic and family violence refuges. This will be achieved through information sharing, training, consultation and resource development. Throughout the delivery of this program, there will be access to one-on-one personalised support and advice from a dedicated team, technical skills development, webinars, facilitating access to industry experts and stakeholders.
The Sector Capacity and Capability Building Program is responding to the identified needs through a series of measures and activities that aims to support services to plan and participate in Core and Cluster procurement.
Over the period of delivering the Core and Cluster Sector Capacity and Capability Building Program, all communications related to the program will be sent from HNSW to newsletter subscribers. Please refer to HNSW privacy policy at the bottom of the page for more information.