
Sector Hub

Assertive Outreach Good Practice Guidelines and Resources

If you work with people sleeping rough, The Industry Partnership’s Assertive Outreach Guidelines are an excellent first step in understanding and implementing evidence-based service models and best practice.

Browse through our helpful resources below:

Assertive Outreach Guidelines

These guidelines provide SHS providers with the necessary tools and resources to deliver effective assertive outreach responses and address gaps in service provision to build trust and assist people to exit homelessness.


Assertive Outreach Manual

Provides explanatory notes on operational models, a framework for policies and procedures and a literature review on international and national responses relative to assertive outreach and people who are sleeping rough.


Applying the Assertive Outreach Guidelines to Service Webinar

Learn how to apply our Outreach Practice Guidelines within your organisation with this helpful webinar.

Applying the Assertive Outreach Guidelines to Service Webinar

Taking a Shared Approach to Tackling Rough Sleeping Webinar

Learn how to take a shared response to address rough sleeping more effectively, together in this detailed webinar.

Taking a Shared Approach to Tackling Rough Sleeping Webinar
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