
Sector Hub

Service Sustainability

The Industry Partnership understands the importance of organisational sustainability for the NSW homelessness sector to ensure continued high quality provision of service for clients and communities. We offer a range of tools and programs to assist with your business continuity which you can browse through below.

Planning for Service Sustainability

The Industry Partnership is running a Sustainability and Transition Coaching Program for fifteen leaders of small homelessness services in NSW. Apply and find out more about the program below.

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Funding Agreements and Contracts

NSW Government is moving to a new Human Services Agreement (HSA). Specialist Homelessness Services will be contracted under the HSA from July 2021. Visit this helpful fact sheet from Justic Connect for further information on how this might look for your organisation.

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Working with other organisations - subcontracting templates and checklists

Access helpful information from Justice Connect on setting up partnerships and agreements with other organisations, including subcontracting.

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