
Sector Hub

ASES to Greatness

Unpacking the standards

Hear from the program manager of the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) to build your understanding of the ASES, how the accreditation process works and the benefits of ASES.


We’ve put together a series to help support your journey to ASES. Throughout these episodes we hear directly from peer Specialist Homelessness Services leaders as they share the successes and challenges they encountered while working through and completing their own ASES journey. We hope you will gain valuable insights that could be applied to your own practice as we, as a sector, journey through ASES to Greatness.

Episode 1: Starting your ASES journey.. eat the frog!

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Joining us for our very first episode is Ann Fletcher who is the Assistant Manager of a medium-sized early intervention and Homelessness program with Port Stevens Family and Neighbourhood Services in regional NSW. In this conversation, Ann shares her approach to deciding when it was the right time to begin working towards ASES and breaks down some of the first steps she took including the importance of involving your team in the process.

Ann Fletcher can be contacted on:

Email: ann.fletcher@psfans.org.au | Web: www.psfans.org.au

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Episode 2:….always be asking why

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In this episode, we discuss the impact of ASES on practice and policy within The Burdekin Association. CEO Justene Gordon, and Project Coordinator Stephanie Mason, unpack how the work of ASES provided a platform to develop pivotal changes in governance within the organisation.

These changes then lead directly to the exponential growth of the organisation in the two years following its first ASES accreditation, which saw The Burdekin Association grow from a team of 15 to programs that now see over 100 staff contributing to great outcomes for young people.

The key to ASES success for them was looking at the standards and asking why we do things the way we do and why is the standard asking us this.

Justene Gordan and Stephanie Mason can be contacted on:




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Episode 3

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Being part of the original pilot group undertaking ASES beginning in 2018, in this episode, we speak to Kate Timmins, CEO of Biles Women’s Foundation. She steps out their approach to ASES and the importance of taking everyone on the journey, board, staff, and partners. ASES now forms a part of the organisational culture at Bmiles and two years on is not a separate piece of work but embedded at every level.

Also joining the conversation, Bmiles Clinical Practice Lead and Project Lead for ASES, Kara Holmes. Kara share’s practical and applicable strategies she used in approaching team engagement by providing staff a platform to input and choose projects that were meaningful and important to the individual staff members, a practice that continues today.

Kate Timmins and Kara Holmes can be contacted on:



Being part of the original pilot group undertaking ASES beginning in 2018, in this episode, we speak to Kate Timmins, CEO of Biles Women’s Foundation. She steps out their approach to ASES and the importance of taking everyone on the journey, board, staff, and partners. ASES now forms a part of the organisational culture at Bmiles and two years on is not a separate piece of work but embedded at every level.

Also joining the conversation, Bmiles Clinical Practice Lead and Project Lead for ASES, Kara Holmes. Kara share’s practical and applicable strategies she used in approaching team engagement by providing staff a platform to input and choose projects that were meaningful and important to the individual staff members, a practice that continues today.

Kate Timmins and Kara Holmes can be contacted on:


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