Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Help is available. Contact Link2Home 24/7.
The skill and capability of the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) workforce underpins all aspects of the SHS sector. A highly skilled workforce, including specialist skills, is more able to provide quality support and work with people at risk of or experiencing homelessness to achieve positive outcomes.
That’s why The Industry Partnership is passionate in developing and providing as many training and development opportunities as possible throughout the year.
Whether you’re a manager looking at what type of skills you need in your workforce or you’re a case worker looking to delve deeper into a subject your passionate about – our helpful resources can steer you into the right direction.
You need to be employed in a homelessness service funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to participate in any of the courses featured in the SHS Learning and Development Framework and offered through the SHS Training Calendar.
Scroll down for further information on the following.
We’d highly recommend you take a look at this resource before you head over to the SHS Learning and Development Framework to get a better understanding of what your entry point might be for certain courses and training.
Access the Capability Framework
Provides example definitions of the eight personal attributes for SHS workers.
Shows each capability stream with descriptors and behaviours across all the tiers (levels of work role).
Shows all streams against each single tiers (levels of work roles).
Can be printed out and kept for discussion and research.
Showing how services have successfully used the framework shows the qualities of people in the sector.
Anyone in the NSW Specialist Homelessness Service (SHS) sector who’s looking to learn in their current role or gain knowledge and skills to further develop their career.
Courses are available for workers with various levels of experience, from inductees through to managers and leaders. There are courses aimed at building core skills as well as specialised courses for those working with specific cohorts.
It’s where you register, view and enrol to study on upcoming courses. The training calendar also has full details of the course including outlines and course topics. If a course is full or not scheduled, please put your name down on the waiting list. We use the waiting list to figure out which courses to schedule next.
The SHS Training Calendar is run by Chandler Macleod Managed Training Systems (MTS). If you need help or have a question about a course on the Calendar, please call 1300 361 787 or send an email to
You need to be employed in a homelessness service funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to participate in any of the courses in SHS L&D Framework and on the SHS Training Calendar.